Our KS3 English curriculum is an amalgamation of materials and teaching methods that prepare the students for Edexcel IGCSE. We focus on comprehension, reading and analytical interpretation which prepares them for both the English Language and Literature IGCSEs. This combined approach places a heavy emphasis on output of their skills on paper in the form of writing which is not only a valuable academic skill, but useful in the real world also.
This is a truly differentiated structure so that all levels of ability can access the new curriculum, including all the new topics. There is coherent progression through the KS3 phases, with ‘learn it once and learn it well’ philosophy leading to secure knowledge. Included is a wealth of practice to promote fluency, underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving to build strong foundations for the GCSE transition.
Builds the required skills in scientific literacy, methods and practicals, following evidence-based approaches to the teaching of science, and tackles barriers holding students back. It helps you to track and report on students’ progress with baseline, end-of-unit and end-of-year assessments.
A specifically designed pathway to the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History qualification. This course builds the foundations students need to succeed at GCSE, without repeating content. Embeds the skills and knowledge students need to succeed in progressing to GCSE, by developing Pearson Progression Scale key skills.
The 4th edition of Oxford University Press geog.123™ provides the solid grounding students need for the new GCSE. With Kerboodle materials which really bring geography to life—and save you time. Student Books are full of lively, current content to help spark a passion for geography. Exciting online resources engage students and save you planning time.
Our goal is to teach the students the Arabic language so they may understand the Qur’an and Ahadith and thereby improve themselves and their families—and perhaps the further community. Furthermore, the language is one of the most useful languages in the modern world as it relates to business relations and job prospects.